Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Navigating the Tradition: When to Take Down Your Christmas Decorations

The holiday season brings joy, warmth, and the festive allure of twinkling lights and cheerful decorations. As we revel in the magic of Christmas, there comes a time when the festivities must come to an end, and the question arises: when should you take down your Christmas decorations?

The Twelfth Night Tradition:

One popular tradition suggests adhering to the "Twelfth Night" rule. Historically tied to Christian tradition, Twelfth Night falls on January 5th or 6th, marking the end of the Twelve Days of Christmas. According to this custom, it's considered auspicious to take down decorations on or before this date to avoid any bad luck lingering into the new year.

Cultural and Regional Influences:

Cultural and regional factors can also play a role in determining when to bid farewell to your holiday adornments. In some cultures, the end of December or early January signifies the conclusion of the festive season. However, others may extend their celebrations well into January, aligning with the observance of Epiphany or other cultural events.

Personal Preferences:

Ultimately, the decision to take down Christmas decorations is a personal one. Some individuals relish the holiday spirit and choose to keep decorations up until the end of January, allowing for an extended period of festive ambiance. Others prefer to dismantle the decorations promptly after the New Year, eager to embrace a fresh start unburdened by the remnants of the previous year.

Practical Considerations:

Practicality also plays a role in the decision-making process. If you've opted for a real Christmas tree, its lifespan may influence your timeline. Dry needles and potential fire hazards could prompt an earlier removal, ensuring the safety of your home.

Balancing Tradition and Individuality:

While traditions and cultural practices offer guidance, it's essential to strike a balance between adhering to norms and honoring your individual preferences. The key is to make the decision consciously, taking into account your cultural background, personal traditions, and the practical aspects of maintaining a safe and comfortable living environment.

In conclusion, the question of when to take down Christmas decorations remains subjective and depends on a variety of factors. Whether you adhere to the Twelfth Night tradition, follow cultural practices, or decide based on personal preferences and practical considerations, the most important thing is to approach the task with mindfulness and a sense of joy. After all, the transition from festive decor to a fresh start sets the stage for the promise and possibilities of the new year ahead.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

5 Tips for Buying Lingerie

Lingerie is a very important component of every woman’s wardrobe. I've been in the lingerie business for tens years and I am often asked for my best tips.  It is imperative to invest in a garment that makes you feel sexy and confident. Next time you consider upgrading your lingerie collection you should focus on the following characteristics for your convenience.


Breathability is a quality that fine lingerie should allow without limitations. You obviously want something that will not suffocate you .A high quality garment should not hold in moisture. Before you commit yourself it is prudent to ensure that whatever you are buying allows you to breathe effortlessly. Of course this is mainly determined by your choice of fabric and design of lingerie.

The Right Size and fit

You should consider buying something with fittings that conform to your body. Ensure you’re your choice of bra has quality and adequate adjustable fittings preferably with adjustable features. As a buyer you should ensure you get lingerie that will suit you properly. If you are unsure about your size you can always ask for assistance from the store attendants. Insist on having your measurements taken for convenience and efficiency. You should only purchase lingerie with high quality seams to ensure there aren't any "wardrobe malfunctions." The right size and fitting could define your overall happiness and comfort throughout the day.


When it comes to comfort you should never compromise. You should pay extra attention to this characteristic for your own good. Stylish and well-designed lingerie should allow limitless comfort. The level of comfort is reliant on other factors such as fabric, quality, size, fitting and breathability. Take it upon yourself to get all of them right for maximum comfort. Your lingerie shopping spree should not only add quantity but quality in your wardrobe. Don’t just buy for the sake of buying; ensure you will enjoy wearing your lingerie.


This is one of the most essential characteristics you should focus on when buying lingerie. Splurge on something that defines sophistication, sensuality, breathability, style and elegance without compromise. Some of the best fabrics are; satin, silk, cotton, rayon, linen, chiffon and velour among others. Consider buying lingerie that radiates comfort all rounds without complicating your entire day or night.

Style and Elegance

You should probably focus on style and elegance when shopping for lingerie. Go for garments that ooze of sophistication and femininity in a classy way. These characteristics depend on your body size and shape. Buying exquisite lingerie that defines a modern woman of style will boost your confidence and self-esteem immensely.

Now is time to spoil yourself with high quality lingerie with all the right characteristics. You can now shop for something that will make you feel more confident, sexy, comfortable and stylish with lots of coolness.

Monday, March 9, 2015

What Do You Say?

How do you talk to kids about the food chain and how food gets to the table? I usually have an answer for everything! I consider myself a well-read, highly educated woman of the world and am always willing to learn more. I also have raised four children; two of my own and a niece and a nephew. So I can usually navigate children very well. Rarely am I stumped but today I was stumped by my eight year old granddaughter, Gigi.

As I was admiring a lemon garlic pepper chicken dish that I had prepared, Gigi asks, "What do they do? Do they just kill the chicken and chop them up into pieces so we can have food?" I ignored the question and pretended that I didn't hear her. Being the precocious child that she is, she asks again and I ignored her again. I was not ready to answer the question. So she asked a third time, a little louder and little more firm. I knew could no longer ignore her and I didn't want her younger sister to hear. I had to answer but how do you explain the food chain? I was stumped and a little in shock.  I was nervous, and I could hardly breathe. As I look back I think was afraid that I didn't know how to answer as oppose to just answering her question. I wanted to take care and not hurt her feeling and to give her the best answer. 

As I turned around and looked into those big beautiful eyes, I opted for the truth. I said "Yes. that what they kind of do."  Nearly in tears, she asked "Why?" The only answer this MiMi had was so that we can have food. She said isn't it wrong to hurt animals?" and  "That's so sad, that's so sad." Now I am feeling bad because she's feeling bad. She said. "I don't think I will be eating chicken anymore." I said OK.  We opted for salad for dinner. 

I opted for the truth because I felt like Gigi needed to know the truth about where meat comes from and like the well-read person I am I went in search of books to help me explain further. This got me to thinking about how much we should tell children about food sources. How do you talk to your kids or grand kids about the food chain?

Tweet: How much we should tell children about food sources? http://ctt.ec/Vf3TM+

photo credit: _CMP9817 via photopin (license) 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

NO! It's Not Porn.

Occasionally, I meet  people who have no clue what Pure Romance is or what I do as a romance home party consultant. Although we have come very far, there are still many people who pass judgment on the romance home party business.

As a Pure Romance Consultant,  I Educate, Entertain and Empower!  I talk about  romance, sensuality and making love. I am a relationship coach, educator and business builder. It is my job to provide information to women at parties about strengthening their relationships and how to "Enhance the Romance" in their relationship. I provide the necessary info to help empower women about making decisions to strengthen relationships and strengthen their purses by building their own business.

Patty Brisben, founder of Pure Romance takes the high road when explaining Pure Romance to her cousin at a wedding.
“Patty,” he said to me after taking a swig of his drink. “I heard you made millions in porn.”
Porn! He put my calling on a level with trash and smut. He had the audacity to compare Pure Romance, a company that empowers women, to an industry that degrades them. I was absolutely livid, and angry enough to yell. But I didn’t.  Instead, I educated.

The first thing I did was advance. I’ve got to tell you, I hate close talkers. I like my personal space, and I am happy to leave you to yours, thank you very much. But I moved in on him so he heard every word I had to say.

I told him how Pure Romance gives a voice to tens of thousands of voiceless women. How we give women a vehicle to support themselves and their families. I explained, with a surgeon’s steady precision, how we educate doctors about women’s sexual health. As he uncomfortably backed away from me, I grabbed his forearm and moved with him as I described how Pure Romance is changing the world.

By the time I was finished with him, perspiration dotted his forehead and his eyes avoided mine as he scanned the room for someone to save him. I still had an iron grip on his forearm, and I did not let go until he mumbled as much of an apology as he was going to give me. I could tell he got the message, and I felt validated.

Negative people are going to try to drag you down—they take some sick pleasure in it that I will never understand. In some ironic cosmic twist, the more successful you are, the more delight naysayers take in trying to knock you down to their own miserable level. You owe it to yourself to be a squeaky wheel, to stand up for yourself and your principles.

Don’t lie down, don’t be silent. You don’t have to yell or scream, but be strong, be passionate, be a squeaky wheel. In any line of work, you are your own brand and the responsibility to protect that brand lies squarely with you.

There is a positive to nearly any situation, and this one is no different. Negative people, naysayers, “haters,” whatever name you give them, make for great fuel. When you feel like you can’t devote more energy to your business or you don’t need to improve, remember those people who doubt you. Push yourself to prove them wrong every day. You can read the entire post here. Standing Up
So the next time you run into a romance consultant, be open to what you can learn. Visit my website to find out more about Pure Romance.


Thursday, November 1, 2012

I Have to Wait for the Perfect Time. NOT!

For about three years before I actually quit my 9-to-5 job I  knew I wanted to. The commute was horrendous and I felt that my time was so much more valuable than sitting in Atlanta traffic. I was also wondering what my job was all about. The original reason I accepted the job was MIA as the company I worked for was always in transition and chaos. 

I was in an emotional struggle about whether to quit my job or not. The struggle went from month to week to daily. Once the struggle became daily I knew that it would soon be over. The disdain for a job that was seemingly going nowhere was becoming more frequent.  My mind had left the job entirely and it was just a matter of getting my body out of there. 

Each time I felt that I was ready to make the move I would tell myself that the time is not perfect or I need more money or I need certain things. The final decision came after a trip to New York City with my son who participated in a track meet.  On the trip back I kept replaying the trip in my mind and just holding on the feeling of joy and excitement I had about being able to watch my son follow his dream. 

I was reluctant to return to work the Monday following the weekend trip. I was totally relaxed and knew that the job no longer fed me in a way that was conducive to me being my best self. I contemplated calling in sick or just quitting my job on the spot without a notice. It took every ounce of my being to go back to work. I decided that I was done.  I spent the next three days at work putting together my exit plan and making notes for my successor. On Thursday, July 14, 2011, I submitted a two weeks’ notice. I did not have a plan but I did know that I would be alright! I had an active direct sales business and the rest I would figure out.

What I do know after about 15 months of leaving my day job and decompressing from all that is 9 to 5, is that I am more powerful than I know. We are all more powerful than we know. The truth is waiting for the perfect time or I need more are lies we tell ourselves because of fear. I thought I would give up a lot to be free.  I was able to leave behind that old life and all the things, people and issues that didn't satisfy me. I realize that all that stuff was to fill an unknown void. Once we give ourselves permission to hear and live the truth we set ourselves free of the ties that bind us to an unsatisfying life.

 For the first time in many years I feel Empowered!  I and only I make the choices and I am responsible for me and my actions and I LOVE THAT. I love that I can travel whenever I want and not worry about getting back to a job.  Who knows what the next 15 months will bring or even the next month. The one thing that I do know is that I am excited about my journey. I invite you to follow me and share in my experience while I live my life to the fullest and be my best self.  Until next time I will leave you with this Cherokee story that sums up how I felt. I’ve decided to feed the “GOOD” and live life on my own terms.

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. 
He said, "My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all."
"One is Evil – It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, 
regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, 
resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, 
superiority, and ego" 
"The other is Good – It is joy, peace, love, hope,
serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence,
empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."
The grandson thought about it for a minute
and then asked his grandfather:
"Which wolf wins?"

The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."

Peace and blessings,