Sunday, December 9, 2012

NO! It's Not Porn.

Occasionally, I meet  people who have no clue what Pure Romance is or what I do as a romance home party consultant. Although we have come very far, there are still many people who pass judgment on the romance home party business.

As a Pure Romance Consultant,  I Educate, Entertain and Empower!  I talk about  romance, sensuality and making love. I am a relationship coach, educator and business builder. It is my job to provide information to women at parties about strengthening their relationships and how to "Enhance the Romance" in their relationship. I provide the necessary info to help empower women about making decisions to strengthen relationships and strengthen their purses by building their own business.

Patty Brisben, founder of Pure Romance takes the high road when explaining Pure Romance to her cousin at a wedding.
“Patty,” he said to me after taking a swig of his drink. “I heard you made millions in porn.”
Porn! He put my calling on a level with trash and smut. He had the audacity to compare Pure Romance, a company that empowers women, to an industry that degrades them. I was absolutely livid, and angry enough to yell. But I didn’t.  Instead, I educated.

The first thing I did was advance. I’ve got to tell you, I hate close talkers. I like my personal space, and I am happy to leave you to yours, thank you very much. But I moved in on him so he heard every word I had to say.

I told him how Pure Romance gives a voice to tens of thousands of voiceless women. How we give women a vehicle to support themselves and their families. I explained, with a surgeon’s steady precision, how we educate doctors about women’s sexual health. As he uncomfortably backed away from me, I grabbed his forearm and moved with him as I described how Pure Romance is changing the world.

By the time I was finished with him, perspiration dotted his forehead and his eyes avoided mine as he scanned the room for someone to save him. I still had an iron grip on his forearm, and I did not let go until he mumbled as much of an apology as he was going to give me. I could tell he got the message, and I felt validated.

Negative people are going to try to drag you down—they take some sick pleasure in it that I will never understand. In some ironic cosmic twist, the more successful you are, the more delight naysayers take in trying to knock you down to their own miserable level. You owe it to yourself to be a squeaky wheel, to stand up for yourself and your principles.

Don’t lie down, don’t be silent. You don’t have to yell or scream, but be strong, be passionate, be a squeaky wheel. In any line of work, you are your own brand and the responsibility to protect that brand lies squarely with you.

There is a positive to nearly any situation, and this one is no different. Negative people, naysayers, “haters,” whatever name you give them, make for great fuel. When you feel like you can’t devote more energy to your business or you don’t need to improve, remember those people who doubt you. Push yourself to prove them wrong every day. You can read the entire post here. Standing Up
So the next time you run into a romance consultant, be open to what you can learn. Visit my website to find out more about Pure Romance.
